Tokushi avatars SUPER SALE, ULTIMATE PACK!!!
This is a complete pack, of all works created by our avatar/accessory company “Tokushi” up until 23/8/2017
Included in this pack, are all avatars, tiny’s, clothing and accessories in ALL colours that they came in.
Many of the older works dating back to when prims and Sculpey’s were used may have some script errors and other bug issues. Please note that these items are now classified as “retired”, and will not be fixed nor any new bugs that may arise be worked on. However, these avatars can still be used for spare parts/modding!
All items are modify/copy/no transfer.
Listed below are most of the avatars and accessories found in this pack. Listed roughly oldest avatars to newest:
Cookie fnuff
Wild dog
Qwhilla (anthro and feral)
Corvid (Crow,Magpie, Australian Magpie, Blue Jay,
Stellers Jay, Cardinal)
Sugar glider
Floof (avatar and pet)
Fox (anthro and feral)
Chinese crested dog
Dragonet (aquatic dragon)
Inca-Ren monster
Weedy sea dragon
Alien mouse
Pumpkin pups
Faery wings (spare parts)
Dragon mod set (spare parts)
Unicorn (spare parts)
TINY AVATARS: Skunk, Fox, Zebra, Pony, Bat, Possat
Photo-Synthic Alien (MESH)
Sloths (MESH)
Otter (MESH)
Air spirit (MESH)
Turpis bird (MESH)
Ailtar Glider (MESH)
Scarves, gloves, pants ect.
Thank you everyone for your on-going support over the many years we have worked on this company. Enjoy the pack!
~Racush and Toki
- The entire Tokushi collection in one fatpack
LOVE Tokushi!
I remember the first time I saw someone wear one of their avis. I thought "woah, I want one too". I bought a few some years back...and was sad to hear the in-world shop closed. I was so surprised when a friend gifted me the complete collection. I didn't even know they had put everything in one package for a cheap price (cheap as in each avatar was around 900L; so everything for 3k is a bargain). I highly suggest any furry collector to grab this..most avatars maybe considered outdated because they aren't mesh..but they can make a fantastic start to any modding project.
buy it right now
this is all of their avatars. theyre all lovely. its so sad that tokushi's vendors and sim is gone, I used to hang out there a lot back in the day. buy this you won't regret it.
also if you do buy it and you wear an inca-ren avatar, please contact me so I can give you a big smooch. ♥
the best deal in Furry SL EFFUR
Tokishi's avatars are legendary for the amazing texture work, unique designs, articulation, and customization...
While many are before the days of current mesh design, the advent of BoM bringsthese amazing critters back to life into the current spotlight once again. I'd say just on sculpt and texture work alone, Tokushi avatars will stand up with most mesh mods and still can come out on top, especially for thier Zela and Dragon avatars, either being more than worth the cost even on thier own <3
Great FatPack
Even though they aren't mesh, the work put into these is simply amazing and this has such a long history within SL. These avatars are wort getting. They are absolutely gorgeous and still fun to use!
The Avatars Sugar Glider head failure please solve problem
I've been buying Tokushi avatars here and there over the years. This is THE best thing EVER!!!!! Absolutely amazing deal!!!! Quality and creative avatars. Well worth the money!!!!