KTC Survey allows you to create your own surveys with a question and up to 9 possible choices of answers. Survey answers are menu based. The question and the results are displayed on an 32 x 8 characters electronic panel. For each answer, the result is displayed as a percentage. The total number of votes appears after the answers. If there are more than 8 lines to display, the panel goes to the following lines after an interval in seconds of your choice.
Votes may be public or limited to a members of a group. KTC Survey also allows to archive the 10 last surveys. Archived surveys can be view by everyone. Finally, you can designate up to 10 people to manage the system.
- Quick and easy configuration by menus (No notecard)
- Menu based survey answers
- Question length up to 180 characters
- Up to 9 choices of answers per survey (Up to 24 characters each)
- Question, answers and results displayed on 32 x 8 characters panel
- Set of 174 Unicode occidental characters for the panel
- Percentage results for each answer (Rounded to 1 decimal) and total number of votes
- 8 displaying colors (Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Magenta, Cyan and White)
- 3 fonts (Futura, Segoe and Chalet)
- Displaying interval from 5 to 30 seconds (If more than 8 lines to display)
- Automatic archiving of the current survey when creating a new one (Newest survey replace the oldest if there are always 10 archived surveys)
- Ability to delete archived surveys
- Everyone can view the archived surveys
- Public votes or reserved to a members of a group
- Ability to open and close the survey at any time
- Ability to edit the survey as long as there is no vote
- Ability to designate up to 10 people to manage the system
- Ability to reset the system to the default parameters
- Menus and messages in English
- User manual in English and French
- Originale size: 8 x 4.5 x 0.125 m
- Free and unlimited updates
- 18 prims (Mesh)
- Modify (Except scripts)
- Copy
- No transfer
- 5 scripts
Excellent Vote Board
I am using it in my "Subterranean Cinema" virtual theatre for movie favorites. :)