SL's most powerful Chain gun just gave birth to twins...
D-Z's "Mini Redemptions" Dual Chain Gun Revolvers
***Please note: These guns may not be allowed at some "Roleplay"or "DCS" sims due to the high detail (prims) and high script count.
***Please also note: Due to changes in Second Life scripting our guns now have a minor script error that goes away immediately and does not cause any issue. It is also common to see some prims floating in the air when holstering the guns but this can be fixed by re-wearing the guns.
Thank you for your interest in our product.
We put a ton of work into these bad boys. We took our most popular gun, D-Z's "Redemption" Chain Gun, and completely re-designed the build.
We made the gun more compact, then decided that one just wasn't enough. So we made them into dual guns. Thats right, a frikin chain gun in each hand. Call me crazy.
If that wasn't enough, we made the nuke more powerful, bumped up the power of the heatseekers, and added some more fun bullet types..
All new scripting with features such as silencer, laser, muzzle flash, adjustable velocity, on/off FX for low lag, dual or single modes, and an awesome array of bullet types ***see below for bullet descriptions.
Sculpted prims, custom textures, and meticulous attention to detail give you guns that look as intimidating and impressive in your hands as they do on your legs.
Beautifully crafted holsters attach to the upper legs and feature sculpted prims, custom texturing, and re-sizer scripts for that perfect fit.
***Standard Specs***
Full Auto/Semi Auto Operation
Ammo Capacity Combined 120 rounds
Works With Any Collision Based RP System Like DCS or CCS
Very Low Lag Operation (Weapon fires without Linked Messages and has only one listen on Zero)
Complies with MTAAII, Stable, NCR, and Fair play. (please note that some bullet types may not comply with certain sim rules)
******Bullet types*******
NPS : a push bullet with explosion , works in no push areas
Nuke20 : A 20 Meter radius orbit with nice explosion and green mushroom cloud. Sends everyone within 20 meters of the blast on a nice trip into the sky. Works in no push areas ***Use with caution
Nuke90 : A 90 Meter radius orbit. Bigger explosion, dust clouds, air raid sirens, panic in the streets, grown men crying, etc. (you never got this from me if anyone asks) Works in no push areas ** Again, use with caution
Heatseek : This bullet will hit the closest avatar you point close to. No need to aim really, it will follow and hit your target and goes through walls, most shields, objects, etc. Delivers a nice explosive upwards push.
Shocker : Much like the Heatseek, this bullet will hit the closest avatar you point close to. No need to aim really, it will follow and hit your target and goes through walls, most shields, objects, etc. Delivers a nice shocking upwards push. Very annoying to your target
Xpush : My new personal favorite, the xpush bullet will lightly push your target 20 to 30 meters into the air. It's great for "tin canning" your target- shoot them into the air, then try to hit them again before they hit the ground. Get good at it and you can keep on hitting them over and over until they weep. Must be in push enabled areas.
RP Bullet : Use for most role play meters (DCS2, GLS, WARPS, etc.)
Orbit : The name pretty well describes it. Orbits your target into the sky, with a nice little cheesy song. Works in no push areas
Damage: The damage bullet causes ... Damage ! Loads and loads of Damage :)
Lagless : a damage bullet without sound and particle FX for less lag
CC Bullet : Use for the CC role play meter
At D-Z Creations we stand behind all our products. If you have any problems with your gun, or need a bit of help gettinxg started, IM Dex Wardhani or whisperZ Savon and we'll be happy to help ya.
See item in Second Life- Beautifully crafted unique custom build
- Leg holsters with re-size scripts
- compatible with DCS2, CCS, and other RP systems
- orbits and nuke orbits work in no push areas
- insane explosions and awesome FX
Haven't aged well. Floating pieces when drawing or holstering.
I had a lot of fun with these back when I first got them. They are primmy, but worked well and looked awesome. Sadly, changes in SL have made them far less usable. Pieces are left floating when drawing or holstering consistently. The solution given of detaching and re-wearing them every time is pretty unworkable and Dex knows that. The obvious fix would be to re-make or convert them to mesh objects rather than the huge linkset of prims they are now. I really wish that would happen. I'd even pay for the update if it did. Until or unless that happens, two stars is the most I can give them at this point. I don't have the heart to give them just one given the fun they were in the past, but that's likely what they deserve given that Dex looks to have no interest in any update. They still look really cool strapped to one's hips, but if you want a usable weapon give these a pass, especially at the current asking price.
great gun but poor rendering
so i bought this gun cause i had another problem with the exdous where a square stays on my finger this one has pieces still rendered on the holsters when drawed think it would need faster rendering to prevent this other then that great gun
Favorite Guns!
these are without a doubt my favorite guns, I've used them for years. They have several modes and types of ammo, plus they look awesome!
outstanding well worth the dosh!
nothing says " don't mess with me" like having a rotary cannon strapped to your leg. these guns come in several sizes to fit your avatar, the appearance of both the holstered and drawn weapons are excellent ..lots of detail. functionality is smooth and seamless, haven't used them in combat yet but it will give anyone pause when I put my hands on the grips.
Thoses weapons kick ass..
Not only with theyre original look..but with alls what they can do !
Owner/creator are very into happiness of custumer.
Good communication.
Iam very glade I made business with them
I recommend it 110%