~~~~~~~~~~~~DG-T 6666 Hybrid Tip jar DRAGON DESIGN~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Welcome to the New Age of Tip jars!
You have a Gothic/metal/rock Club?
Tired for Tip jars with Poor Common Design? SO this is the tip jar you want!
the Dragon Tip jar is a simple Smart System
Working With Notecards
Working with Access List (Tested with more than 60 Users!)
and by choice you can add one person to Split the tips with the user.
Contain High Quality materials with the best Technology
Low lag Scripts(128Kb consumed for 0.002525ms of cpu time.)
Low Prim (Land Impact 13 prims!)
How it works:
if someone pays the tip jar the money FIRST go to the owner (no matter if is online/offline),
Then the System automatically transfer the amount of money to the user of the tip jar in real time.
Quick and easy!
NEW SMARTBOT SYSTEM! the tip jar it can used by bot
and sends personal IM's to the user about tips in every payment!
NOTE:WE DON'T PROVIDE BOT FOR YOUR TIP JARS. you must have your own bot for this.
NOTE 2: this system is works if you have a bot ONLY by the company www.mysmartbots.com.
powered by www.mysmartbots.com.
more information here: https://www.mysmartbots.com/docs/Developer%27s_API_key
you Can Customise the Tipjar Into Role name like:
DJ,Host,Manager,Officer or Whatever you like!
The tip jar working with access list names in notecard or for Group members
☠ CUSTOM IMAGES AND NAMES,you can set for users their own images and names.
with NO profile images,NO user names!
NOTE: works only if the tip jar is set to work with notecard list names.
☠ Access List to add users -notecard- (Tested in more than 60 Users!) .
☠ NEW! are you offline? Now your managers can easily add users! (required modify rights)
☠ Set the access, for Group Members OR with notecard list names.
☠ NEW! Custom 4 Payment Amount buttons (the payment system allow no more than 4 amounts)
☠ NEW! Particle to the tipper! when someone is pay the tip jar send awesome particle to him!
☠ NEW! use your club logo as main image!
☠ Add Different Person or Onwer to Split the Tips in Percentage
or Let the User take the 100% of the Tips.
☠ SMARTBOTS system! in every payment the bot sends in personal IM to the user:
the name of tipper and how many lindens they did pay.
☠ the name of tipper how many lindens they did pay and total tips.
☠ Total Payment Statistics when logs out.
☠ Smart Sensor System. if the User Leave the place or Logout,the tip jar Turn off Automatically.
you can set the sensor range and the time delay.
☠ CUSTOM THANKS MESSAGE! you can set your own thanks message for the tipper.
☠ Display :name of user,Total Tips, Last tip, Thanks Message
and occupation (DJ,host,manager etc.)
☠ you Can Show or Hide the Total tips.
☠ you Can Show or Hide the Floating text.
☠ NEW! you Can set Color to the Floating text.
☠ NEW! you Can set Color to the Texture letters.
☠ Emergency Power ONLINE/OFFLINE Button Working only for Owner
☠ Display with Texture Letters:name of user,Total Tips,Thanks Message
and occupation (DJ,host,manager etc.)
☠ Dragon effect with roar sound and fire, in login user and the payment.
☠ Dragon breath with fire and sound to bring the dragon to life!
☠ 8 Different colors of the dragon, for more elegant design fit for your club.
☠ Lock/Unlock System:
if lock the tip jar, a user login and no other can, until the user logs out.
if unlock the tip jar, a user login and everyone next of him that have access can instantly login.
☠ Easy Login with 1 Click
☠ Personal Message to the User about the Tips
you have a bot by smartbots? set the personal message with your bot using IM's!
☠ HQ Sounds in Every Touch.
☠ personal Update Server for further updates.
☠ YOU HAVE A D.G. SHOUTCAST BOARD? you can link your tip jar with any D.G. Shoutcast board for instantly login!.
NOTE:if you need any custom work for the existing tip jar contact creator: Daffy proto
CUSTOMER SERVICE ALWAYS CARE! ask us for invitation in user support group!
NOTE:NO REFUNDS IN COPY ITEMS! please check every product in-world
in the demo vendors before your purchase, or ask the creator Daffy Proto for further information
Permission Info:
Prims:Copy/Modify/NO Transfer
Script: Copy/NO Modify/NO Transfer
if you have any questions or problems feel free to ask me and i will glad to help you!
Leave a message in the mailbox that you can find at the store Daffy's Gadgetmania in world.
DEMO available in-world in the main store Daffy's Gadgetmania.
click the "See item in Second Life ®" Below to teleport
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- Gothic elegant design
- working for group members or access list names in notecard
- Display Image,Name,Total Tips,Last tip by Choice
- are you offline? other managers can add names! (notecard)
- Low Prim? Yes! Low lag? Yes!
Awesome tip jar
unique design with lots of features not found in many tip jars at this price point. About the only feature I would like to see added is the ability to hand out gifts, note cards or land marks. Awesome effects, great looks. Worth ever linden.