~*Daffy's Gadgetmania*~ Present...
HommO CybeR HearT
avatars have heart? now they have!
animating sculpt heart with on/off HeartBeat Sound
(you can start/stop animate beating!)
sound control system of the realistic heartbeat sound
with in/off and volume system in blue menu dialog
Remote HUD with several Options:
1.HQ glass textures,HQ Body Textures
(the heart remain bloody)
2.on/off Heart Beat Sound With Volume menu
(start the sound and you can start animate the heart)
3.on/off Effect Lights and color changed menu
4.low prim partial mesh (8 prims!)
5.low lag script (checkout how fast changed)
6.Comes in 5 sizes (extra large,large,medium,small,extra small)
7.Real sculpt Heart!
Permissions Info:
Prims: Copy/Modify/no Transfer
Scripts:Copy/No Modify/No Transfer
See Other Additional Items Like this,Below in the Category "RELATED ITEMS" we Have for you
if you have any questions or problems feel free to contact me
and i will be glad to help you (IF IM NOT BUSY OR ONLINE)
or drop me a notercard in my mailbox you can find in my shop house
greetings Daffy Proto
- Remote control HUD
- Low prim and low lag scripts
- Comes in 5 sizes (XL,L,M,S,XS)
- several options
nice work
im looking for a realistic heart and i find it!
this is really look like real!
and nothing else
i can the the hole in my chest!
great sculpt heart...look like real