::Contacting me in World Update::
My avatar's name was changed from KittyWantsMilk (resident) to Dytr Nova. Still same person and still open for business!
Are you tired of your mesh feet or hands looking like you've broken them when you're on a pose or animation? (see pics for what I mean) Want to lock your eyes in place so they don't move ?
It now includes both HUD and separate Wearable versions, so you don’t have to have worry about HUD space being taken up by unneeded items!
Well this extremely useful collection of custom made HUDs/Wearables fixes just that. It locks that body part in place so your mesh body part always look correct.
And you only need to wear the HUD/wearable you want to fix that body part in place. You don't need wear all the HUDs/Wearables at once, just the ones you want to fix in place.
Lets break down what each fixes:
> Ankle Fix, is an ankle lock which keep your mesh high heel feet in the right position so they don't look broken.
> Eye Fix keeps your eyes locked in place with both no blink option and regular version, it stops them moving this is really handy for mesh heads or when taking photos. The no blink version of the eye fix stops blinking but on rare occasions may sometimes give odd results with other products which are also affecting the eyes or head.
> Eye Fix Eyes Slightly Up (Bonus): As above but with your Eyes Looking Slightly Upwards both with a blink & no blink versions. This was requested as sometimes your eyes can sometimes ever so slightly look downwards.
> Wrists Fix, keep your mesh hands in the right position so it don't look broken or at a weird angle.
> Separate Left & Right Versions of the Wrist Fixes (Bonus): This was requested and it's handy if you're wearing a bag in one hand but only want that one wrist "fixed" in place.
> Head & Neck Fix keep your neck or head locked still. I've included these two as well if you need to keep your neck or head fixed. They are really optional perhaps unneeded but they may come in handy at times which is why I've included them.
> Combo Option - all HUDs in one place to make it even easier for you to use. Now smaller & more compact.
These HUDs/Wearable are Yes Copy, No Modify and No Transfer. This means, they cannot be transferred to another avatar. Please use the "gift function" on the marketplace if you wish to send them to another avatar. - Thanks.
By the way, did you know ?
I only sell things I make and use personally and I fully test them before releasing them so you can be confident in your purchase. And If you have a problem or need help, I am only an IM away :)
P.S Please note also, some shoes may come with an ankle lock inside them which can clash the with the Ankle Fix. If two Ankle Locks are on, your feet will do a very strange twitching effect...
*Mesh Body Parts not included
version r15d is latest edition. Now with & without eye fix blinking, Bonus separate wrist fixes, more compact combo HUDs & smaller individual HUDs too. Now also includes the Eyes slightly up eye fix too.
If you would like a redelivery, just contact me inworld (Dytr Nova) or if you purchase this item via the marketplace you can initiate a redelivery yourself by following these steps:
1) Goto "My Marketplace" at the top of the page.
2) Click "My Account"
3) Click Order History
4) Search for this item. (try kittywantsmilk or Dytr Nova in merchant tab,)
5) Click Redeliver (found under description.)
Customer Service the best on the grid!
I had need of linking this to another hud to save attachment points and asked the creator for help and they went above and beyond to help me in every way possible without hesitation. Such a breath of fresh air to find a maker willing to help! Thanks so much!
The Fix works
I bought this because I wear a Legacy body (female) and the ankle fix worked. Thank you so much for this much needed product.
It didn't work out as shown in the image.
Maybe I'm just using the wrong method?
Get this to all your ALTS! ;)
First of, that 1 - star review is so uncalled for. This product delivered quickly!
Secondly... this has all the fixes I need especially with the neck baby!
There are some poses out there in the market that forces you to look down, when you need to be facing centered in the camera. The neck fix from this product fixes allll that headache!
This is a must-have for you, your family, and your family of alts ;)
I first purchased this in 2017 randomly found on MP. I have been looking for it again several times recently and finally found it again! I see i've purchased it 5 times for various people over the years. GREAT NEWS is i just got redelivered for myself to update for free. And I will purchase again for my new friends. At 99L this cannot be beat! The ankle fixers that come in the body huds never work for me but this one never fails! And you can lock your eyes, wrists, neck, head individually which is great for photos. LOVE IT!