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Geisha Uchiva Fan 06

Geisha Uchiva Fan 06

Geisha Uchiva Fan from Burnstein Azalee Jewelry & Fashion

* scripted with carefully selected fanning animation
* suitable for hot summer days/nights
* re-sizable, genuine design & textures
*100% original mesh

Perms: copy


Size settings:

All of pieces from Burnstein Azalee Jewelry & Fashion comes with a new resizing & stretching option.

After you wear piece of jewelry, touch the object. After touching a prim it offers you options to resize or stretch (X,Y,Z) all prims of the piece of jewelry 1, 5 or 10 percent smaller or bigger.

If there are any questions, don't hesitate to contact me.



1. Open Advanced menu by going to Preferences > Advanced > check the "Show Advanced Menu" box
2. Go to Advanced > Debug Settings
3. In the Debug Settings window, choose "MeshMaxConcurrentRequests" from the drop down menu.
4. Change the value from the current number to 100 or 150.

1. Open Fast Settings Panel
2. Go to Obj. Detail
3. Change the value from the current number to 4.000


The origin of this common and special artifact is quite uncertain. It can be assumed that the origin of the fan can be found in prehistoric times, when humans discover fire and use any kind of object to blow air and keep it alive. Thanks to artistic representations of this object, we know that fans were used by Egyptians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks and Romans.

From Egypt, the oldest known representation its in the head of a ceremonial hammer that can be seen at the Ashmolean Museum of Oxford. It belonged to "Narmer", that around 3000 b.C. and for the first time united high and low Egypt. Egyptian fans were big, fixed, and semicircular shaped, made with feathers and with long handles. Their function was double: blowing air and scaring away insects.

Greeks and Romans used fans, a proof of that fact are the many literary quotes from diverse classic authors. For instance, Euripides on his Hellenic tragedy tells about an eunuch that fans Menelaus's wife while she sleeps with the aim of insects not to disturb her. Other authors that mention the fan are: Menander, Ovid, Tibul or Prosper on their works.

China's centennial fan tradition starts at Emperor Hsien Yuan's time (about 2697 b.C.). A legend claims that the invention of the fan belongs to the daughter of Kan-Si. The story tells that during a mask ball and to avoid heat, she shacked very fast her mask very close to her face, so male guests could not recognize her. Her gesture was imitated by the rest of the ladies attending to the ball. Some authors declare that the earliest archaeological proof of the existence of the fan belongs to the VIII century for the fixed fan in China and to the IX century for the folding fan in Japan.

The fan was also known by Aztecs and Incas. Between the gifts given to Cortés by Montezuma six feather fans were included. In Spain the earliest references about the fan appear at the chronicles of Pedro the first of Aragón (XIV century). Another references of this object appear at the inventory of goods of the painter Bartolomé Abella (1429), the inventory of Charles, Prince of Viana, and the inventory of Juana the Queen in 1565. The fans described were semicircular fixed ones. A feather fan was included in the gifts given by Christopher Columbus to the Catholic Queen Elisabeth after his first trip to America.


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