A pretty neat notecard reader that works in a HUD. It will span speech over multiple notecards. It can whisper and shout, or be mute. You can make as many copies as you want for different lectures; change the object name to keep track of what is stored on that Reader.
Right click and "Wear" to start using. It comes loaded with a short tutorial that it will cover basic operations. There is a notecard included with additional instructions.
Note: Due to a limitation of the scripting language, single lines can only be 255 characters long--you'll have to split very long sentences into multiple lines. Usually this isn't a problem, but seems to be the biggest complaint with this product.
(December 2012) Version 1.05 is available: this fixes a bug when a script that listens to open chat sees the /me the HUD puts in front of every line. An option in the +Settings card changes this. Also, some other small changes. No need to update if you don't see the /me
- Pre-load text to be typed into chat.
- Controls to allow you to skip around in a chat.
- Easy to set up and use.
This worked flawlessly for the speech I gave in a crowded, laggy sim yesterday. A freebie one I tested out would sometimes skip a line, but this worked great - for a very reasonable price!
Works! As Advertised.
Simple HUD note card reader. Works very well. Not overly complicated.
Finally. Thank you
I have a fleet of Shergood helicopters. They are realistic to an extreme and require a checklist to start them. Each checklist is taking up screen space and has from 15 to 40 lines of things to do. So my copilot made a file and copies and pastes each line in chat for me. Works fine unless I am alone, then what? This hud that's what. It is great, does exactly what it says it will do and easy to work with. I just put a letter in front of each note card (A s61r Pelican) without the parenthesis, and there they all are ready to use in order I want. Thanks so much for this.
I am Co-owner / Teacher of a BDSM academy and this has made my life SOOOO much easier. Thank you times a million.
This works great
Thank you - The instructions (in the device) are clear, and it works great.