G General

:KH: Mermaid AO 3 -Dance with the Waves-

:KH: Mermaid AO 3 -Dance with the Waves-

This is AO for Flexi tails.

I recommend you to chek new Mermaid AO too.
The new AOs are good for both Mesh tail and Flexi tail.
Please check it from following related items.

Third Mermaid AO with Special Mer Kick HUD.
You can swims around very well like a Dancing.

This is DEMO movie. Please check!

Standing 1-10
Walking 1-4
Sitting 1-5
Sitting On Ground 1-2
Crouch Walking
Pre Jumping
Flying & Swimming
Hovering & Floating
Flying Down
Flying Up
Turning Right
Turning Left

34 kinds, Total 82 Animations.
and 6 different notecards to load.
(Priority3 & 4 × 3 Sizes)

This AO include 6 notecards to use properly.
Priority 3&4 × 3 sizes.
so there are 34 kinds, 82 Animations.

It can not be completely coverd all type of shapes.
Epecially Sit5 greatly influences shape.

I recomend to use priority4 walks even when you use
priority3 notecards.
Because Priority3 is tends to be release,stop,
or not work.
So I set priority3&4 walks in Priority3's notecard.
Please acknowledge it.

"Mer Kick Hud" has 3 power level button. Light,Medium
and Heavy.
Click the button and you can kick somebody in front of you.
This is "push" system. You can use it at permitted area.

If you want to jumping swim (like a DEMO movie)
or keep your body at surface or under the sea,
You need not only AO but also special script.
I introduce 2 useful scripts for merfolk.

Swimaid! by Bunni Morrisey

Mer Betta SkimSurfaceSimple script (v) by Opal Lei

I used Swimaid! in movie.

I hope you enjoy your mer life with this AO!

See item in Second Life
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the animations
full star full star empty star empty star empty star Posted October 07, 2021 by Soliose

the animations are really Meh... wouldnt say its worth 1 200L

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recieved this as a gift
full star full star full star full star full star Posted July 06, 2020 by RedTauri

i was making a Siren Vampire outfit and this was gifted to me by my aunty and its utterly amazing and perfect with my 5 point tail its amazing the way she swims and plays i love it so much thank you for making this i highly recommend

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overall beautiful
full star full star full star full star empty star Posted April 13, 2020 by Jade Snugglepuff

The only issue I have with this one is the walks. I just really don't like how she moves. As I let her stand, absolutely beautiful!

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lovely ao! but i do have a question..
full star full star full star full star empty star Posted July 17, 2018 by DianatheDivine

lovely ao, like in the title. lots of animations. no tips or anything. except i do have a question, i can't find the floating script anywhere. could somebody send me a script or show me how to get it?
i will make it 5 stars if im able to float with the script.

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I've got four mermaid AOs and this is by far the best
full star full star full star full star full star Posted October 14, 2016 by Wendy Nitely

You can spend more and do much worse! This is the best one I have found and now I can stop looking!

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted July 12, 2015 by criss Manx

One of the best out there! The flow Is just perfect!

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