Stand-alone OR add-on for the Apartment Skybox
100 prims
99% mesh structure (floor is made of regular prims)
Day/Night texture change option
Panoramic image control - add your own images*
Rez-Faux system- easiest possible
High detailed textures
Lighting fixtures and lamps are linked with structure and should not be removed
bar and stools are animated
TV is NOT functional - good value models are available on marketplace
Footprint: 29.8 x 18 m
* skybox is inside huge sphere ( 48M) ( optional)
Minimum parcel size required: 1024 sq. meters *
Q: How do I combine this skybox with the apartment?
a: You need basic build/edit skills. If you make a mistake, dont panic, you have unlimited copies. First you rezz the Apartment, remove curtain on right from the globe-bar and edit wall prim that covers that side. Finalize structure. Then rezz the Living room skybox and remove curtain that is located on right wall looking at fireplace ( opposite to liquor bar). Then align the structures so it looks good enough. If you need some visual assistance, look at facade so those align properly. Different ways to join existing rooms are possible, use your imagination and creativity.
Q: Can this skybox fit 512m parcel?
a: Physically it can, however its not advised as you probably won't have enough prims, for extra furniture except in case of bonus prim parcels.
Q: Can I remove panoramic images?
a: Yes you can, it is separate object and can be removed without a problem.
Q: Can I remove sphere that surrounds the skybox?
a: Yes, no problem at all.
Q: How to add my own image/texture as background?
a: Select "Panorama Image Controller" and drag texture you wish to add in its contents ( you`ll see existing images inside), no script changes needed.
Q: Can I lock doors?
a: No you cant, use some 3rd party security system if you really think you need it. Why would you lock a door in skybox?
Q: Can we close the curtains?
a: No, those are static.
Q: Can I combine 2 skyboxes and make them one large?
a: YES, you can mix this skybox with The Apartment skybox. We made this Living room as extension for the Apartment Skybox, however, you can put 2 of these next to each other and provide opening by removing curtains. Combine different/same rooms in any way you want. You can always clean up and rezz another version in case you are not satisfied with the result and start again. We have tested combining different rooms together, with great success, just make sure you align openings/doors nicely.
Q: Can I add/remove certain prims?
a: Yes, however, day/ night texture switch might misbehave. Better resize and conceal prims instead. Avoid unlinking.
Q: Can I remove shadows/illumination effect from lamps?
a: No, physical illumination accuracy was out goal and entire structure has pre-baked illumination to achieve displayed effects.
Q: Can I use my own paintings?
a: Yes ofcourse! Drag and drop the painting from your inventory directly over existing painting (try not to hit frame or wall)
Additional Info:
*Contains rezzer powered by *Rez-Faux scripts
* Prim renaming and un-linking is not recommended since day/night texture switch works via linkset to reduce lag. (However if you are skilled enough, by all means go ahead. (just make sure controller is not the root prim)
* The skybox is 100% mesh building therefore you'll need a mesh viewer to see it. Viewer settings higher LOD factor is optional, however skybox is tested with low settings and visually appears correctly.
* Structure is being sold as displayed at demo location.
* Inside of building is set to full bright for best visual experience.
* Outside of building is also set to full bright. You can tweak it individually due to mod permissions on structure.
* Mesh behavior allows this prim count, we have checked with Linden Lab support team and behavior when you add script in mesh structure, it sometimes raises prim count. Thus, until you use save option from rezzer box, you might have more prims showing then actual number. ( in plain language, when you make mesh build of any type, prim count may raise when you drop a script into contents of that mesh, not always, but its normal says LindenLab).
* In case of this structure, its prim count may also increase significantly if you unlink all prims, which is also normal cause mesh works that way.
* Please be advised to check the prim count on your parcel prior to purchase, some parcels might have less prims available than others.
* Baked textures- shadows are "burned" into textures
* Prefab editing isn't recommended, however if you really feel like editing the skybox just rez another copy if you're not happy with result. Entire structure is mod/copy so you can always rez another copy in case you made an accidental mistake.
For any questions IM Frasha Boa or Oggy Bonetto
Enjoy your SL day/night
Abiss team
- Exclusive high detailed residential skybox mesh structure
- 5th avenue style apartment with balcony
- day and night texture change
- can be combined with Apartment skybox
- can be used as home, gallery, party place, private club etc...
Excellent Quality
Love Story!
Highly recommend
Such class and beauty! From the first look at her builds it was instant love! Would buy again. I have the full set with all the attached builds and I love love love it and so does anyone who comes to visit! Thank you!
Wonderful !
I checked out many of Frasha's builds and they're all of the same high quality. For personal reasons I eventually chose one that better suited my prim requirement but if I'd had more room, I could easily have picked from four or five. I'm VERY happy with my choice. Well constructed, good design with style. Excellent creator who I can happily recommend. Coco x
Absolutely beautiful its gonna make a great addition to our Maximus Adult Sim attraction! Thank you! Great work! Great texturing everything is perfect!
This (especially when coupled with the apartment) is one of the most spectacular builds I have seen.
I am thrilled with this build! I have the apartment attached to it also. (Be certain to go to the bottom of the listing to "See Item in SecondLife") to see the demo and links to the MP listings for the other two add-ons.)
This is actually an add-on to the apartment, but also a great stand-alone! The in-world demo area lets you walk through all three components (and as I said, is the easiest way to get the MP page).
They are relatively easy to put together, the help notecard is easy to follow and there is even a tool supplied with the apartment to aid you in getting a perfect alignment.
I totally do not get KoshkaKitten's review! I followed the instructions on the creators Profile and dropped them an email and had an answer in less than an hour.