~*Daffy's Gadgetmania Present!*~
awesome Unisex High Quality Cyber prim eyes MESH VERSION
why mesh? for Best High Quality Details!
perfect for Sci-fi outfit and not only!
resize menu also fit for Male/Female
comes in 24 different colors and glow settings.
everything in ONE HUD!
the package contain:
1.high quality Mesh Left Right prim eyeballs
2.low lag HUD for easy menu change color,glow,fullbright,resize menu
3.transparent eyes with alpha layer
4.base eyes
NOTE: for Showing Mesh Items Required Compatible Viewers!
prims: copy/modify/no transfer
scripts:copy/no modify/no transfer
if you have any questions or problems feel free to contact me
and i will be glad to help you (IF IM NOT BUSY OR ONLINE)
or drop me a notercard in my mailbox you can find in my shop house
greetings Daffy Proto
Fab Eyes!
Resize was really easy, colours are great and can sort glow/fullbright in seconds.
Highly recomended
Best eyes ever!
Really detailed the best for cyber / android. I like the resize on the hud as with few clicks only i fited the size over my eyes size. Also i can't stop playing with the colors as is hard too choose witch one to wear each time!! Also in that price mostly would take 1 color pair eyes and not so much.