IRRISISTIBLE SHOP : because your dreams are my passion
irrISIStible creation 2017 perfect for your halloween sim amazing rezzer gothic garden with stranges halloween sounds when you walk ( ghost sing and horror sound ) high resolution texture great quality and exclusives !
SIZE: 36 per 24 meters
all is copy and modify excepted piano and chair ( one static version is included too in this pack
skybox with all plants , moss , trees , grass
+ water sparkling animated
+ walk on water sound
+ walk on floor sound
+ ghost hovering chair and piano (with animation play piano) for 4 sad piano sound when you click on
+ stone pumpkins
+exterior strange forest decor texture
+fireflies particles
you can used too this skybox for ballroom , store or only for garden decor , all possibility :)
more nice in second life world . no bad surprised ! you buy exactly all you can see on photos
I created with my heart ... my job of buildeur is above all a passion, without pretention, your dreams are my inspiration and my engine, thank you ♥
you like atypicals , magicals and fantasy outfits , avatars and builds ? then comes to visit irrISIStible shop
see you soon maybe :) ... welcome to my world ..
ps: IF YOU'VE A PROBLEM WITH MY CREATION YOU MUST SEND ME A NOTECARD ON 7 DAYS ( not IM please , just one notecard with your name , transaction date , name item ) MAXIMUM AFTER YOUR SELL . i refused all types of claims after 7 days (it's a rulls of alls shops on net real or sl ) thanks for your comprehention
gorgeous !
wooowww i have visit to the inworld shop and wooow i am impressed by all textures and build quality and cuuuutes littles stone pumpkins :') so original and amazing build miss secretspy i know your shop from 3 years i have buy a lot of creations and i am always glad and admirative by your perfect and crazy work , congratsssss