IRRISISTIBLE SHOP : best quality build and clothes
copy and modify in part excepted chairs and tables (you can copy only )
more nice in SL world awesome detailled exclusive
like my facebook page --->
it's winter time yet :)
with this so beautiful ballroom or weeding winter ice skybox
with ceiling scripted rotation effect
+ wall lamps touch light ON/OFF
+snow emitter
+panoramic realistic decor
+winter ice grass and plants
+tables and chairs (copy only)
+a lot of mesh elements
it's a real fabulous atmospheric skybox for your winter fests :)
ps: IF YOU'VE A PROBLEM WITH MY CREATION PLEASE SEND ME A NOTECARD (not im ) ON 7 DAYS MAXIMUM AFTER YOUR SELL ... ! i refused all types of claims after 7 days (it's a rulls of alls shops on net real or sl ) thanks for your comprehention
great ballroom
a lot of ballroom on marketplace , choice is hardest .. but i'm really enjoy 'cause i've take your work and i'm not disaappointed ; this ballroom is a big fantasy job it's so nice with a little bit magic effect and i love textures and mesh elements , ceiling is awesome and so huge , i love your stuffs and your talent thanks to creator