No59 Tea Set

詳細 設備 コンテンツ レビュー (3)


The tea set contains 3 types of tea: chamomile tea, mint tea and rose hip tea.
If you click on one of the packs, you get a cup of tea in the hand via
Experience or temp attach In the Folder you will find the "HUD select
the type of give" . With this HUD you can choose how you want
your tea to be served, via experience or with Temp Attach.

In the set there is also a cup for permanent wear on avatar "TeaCup xxxxx PermaWear"
it is not rigged to the avatar, so you can move it in your hand in the edit
mode. "No mod" is displayed because of the scripts it contains, but you can
also change the size as it is modifiable.

The default setting is "Experience",
it could be that you have to add my experience to the land first if you don't get any tea
if it is not possible to add experience to your land, wear the "HUD select the type of give" and choose "Temp attach".

The package includes:
Tea Cups deko,
some infomaterial
HUD to select the type of give
Teawarmer with TeaPacks,
Tea Tray,
Tea cup in 3 variations
for Permanentwear on avatar:
Rose hip, mint, chamomile. long, Happy Party :)

I invite you to follow me on Flickr and Facebook


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  • With Experience
  • with Bento Animation.
  • Cup's can drink empty
  • 3 kinds of tea

レビュー (XX)

評価平均: 5 星 配分
5 スター:
4 スター:  (0)
3 スター:  (0)
2 スター:  (0)
1 スター:  (0)

掲載済み 2022/05/15 : Audrina Ravenhurst 5 星

Best drinking animations. Highly recommend ALL of Caroline's drinks. ♥

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good,need improvement on beers

掲載済み 2022/04/19 : Untitled 5 星

beautiful serving set for guests. The main selling point for the drinks from this shop is that the uniqueness of the drink actually finishes after every sip and the extremely low prim being just 1-2Li despite the realistic look. However there are some weird things for drinks that does not have drinking toggle hud, the delay between sip especially for most beers takes quite a long time after the "pop" sound, usually after opening a beer bottle, one would take a sip immediately.The delays can be bit annoying at times. And also the distance between bottle lip and mouth can be further improved. Ive seen other bento drink that actually touches really close to avatar's mouth so im sure it can be done.

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(  文字(残りの文字数))
販売元: caroline Planer

This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.

  • 5 星 3 レビュー

  • 権限:
    コピー 修正 再販・プレゼント ユーザーライセンス許可済み
  • 自動再配達
  • 土地の負荷: 4
  • メッシュ: 100% メッシュ