- Profile
Thank You for shoping with [Sympa†ika]
If you will have any questions feel free to leave a message to our Manager Sella Serevi inworld
also you can send an e-mail to: mrsympatika@gmail.com☑ If you have a problem with purchase send me a notecard with your name and transaction details.
☑ All purchases are no exchange and no refund.
✰ All items (not including furnitures) at [Sympa†ika] are Copy and No Transfer and almost all the items are Modify. The prim parts of the clothes are also scripted with a resize-menu for an easier adjustment.
✰ To make a present to your friends, open the vendor menu by right-click and choose „Buy as Gift“. Follow the instruction and the system will send the item to your friends directly.
✰ [Sympa†ika] don´t offers any affiliate Vendors/Systems
✰ We are not selling anything full perm!!!
✰ We are not using templates, all items has rights reserved- Policies
All rights reserved. All Items created by MrSympatika and [Sympa†ika]'s CO-Designers are under Copyright of [Sympa†ika]® and for use in the Second Life® Grid only!!! You are not allowed to copy, reproduce, duplicate, process, distribute or resell any part of the creations without permissions by [Sympa†ika]®
Copyright infrigement is a serious offence punishable by law.