15 Floor Mall

Details Leistungsmerkmale Inhalt 1 Rezensionen


Would you like your mall to tower over your neighbours? This one is 400 meters tall, and has 15 floors. A central shaft rises up through the full height of the tower, allowing your customers to access each floor. Perfect for a store or office use too. Only 38 prims! Floorplate of 44.5 X 44.5 meters, will fit a plot of land 2000 square meters.



Durchschnittliche Einstufung: full star full star full star full star full star
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full star full star full star full star full star Veröffentlicht 16.1.2018 von adasani

This is a very great building. I put a round elevator in the shaft and works great. Thank you for the low price, low prims, and high quality build. I am looking at more to fill my sim :)

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Als Geschenk in den Warenkorb legen


The General Store
Verkauft von: GeneralZoltan

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Auswirkung auf Land: 38