2 X 2 fedora black Version 2.1

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A super hot and styling fedora Hat

Superb look, classic feel , crisp look

Version 2.0 includes a resize script just touch the item to resize to your will -10 or +10 to your hearts content
Fixed perms now copy and mod

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Veröffentlicht 10.10.2023 von JinxxJelli 5 Sterne

I just bought this fedora and it is great!!! I was able to edit it to the exact size that I needed so that my hair doesn't show through the back of it when I wear it and it just looks phenomonal!!!! I am so happy that I looked around first before trying to get a different fedora that costs waaaaaaaaayyyy more than this one did. Make sure you put in the price range you are looking for when searching for items on Marketplace. It really narrows it down to specific ones and you don't spend all night looking at every single one that is listed in the entire site.. so I most definitely recommend this Fedora to EVERYONE who is looking for one that they can size to what they need.. please please pleeeeaaaassssseeee keep this item listed so that everyone can get this at a fantastic low low price.. I wish I could give this items 100 stars for everything I mentioned in the review but.. I can't but yes please do buy this item if you are looking for one.. It can be resized, rotated , moved any direction you need to get that perfect and precise fit.. And hellooooo for ONE LINDEN?!?!?!?!?!?! everyone needs to jump on this fast is all I can say!!!!

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Veröffentlicht 24.7.2010 von Neon Aura 4 Sterne

I really like this hat, but it only has mod+trans permissions, instead of copy+mod.

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  • 3.5 Sterne 4 Rezensionen

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