Tired of infantry? Problems with heavy vehicles? Want to Ka-boom everyall?! It's not a problem, great Soviet Auto Genade Launcher AGS-17 with different type of greandes will help you. All grenades have RC damage and low lag, fits in many battle sim's rules. Low land impact - 19.
Type of grenades:
1) HE - 5m diameter of expl and 35AT damage
2)LBA - 5m diameter 30 damage
3)GAS - gas grenade (all symple, mor clouds - more fun)
4)FLASH - flashbangs with 5 diameter expl, 5 sec.
- Groupcheck. Yeah, only the one, who is in your active group can use at. Say "goodbye" to those, who wants your baby without noticing you.
- 50 collision HP. Can be used anywhere with rez turned on. DCS2, for example, but designed only for LLCS.
- Semi-Auto Fire with 0,5 sec deleay
- 4 type of grenades (HE, LBA, GAS and Flash)
- No need to unpack - just rez and hop in, and accept permission request.
- realistic look, Gun barrel rotates with you.
- Soviet Power Supreme!
- Blast whatever you want ^^
- 50 hp
- 4 type of grenade
- Semi-Auto grenade launcher
- RC damage
- LBA damage
Such a wonderful machine! And in addition, immediate, efficient and friendly service!
This gun is very finely made, the pose is lifelike, the sounds are well....immersive, to say the least. In addition, I had not realized that the user and the gun should have the same group. One mail and a few hours later the vendor contacted me, came to the place where I used the gun, helped me out. I also got the ZU and the M2H5 and these are even better. All these guns, but especially the ZU has these ominous rolling thunder sounds. Only comment I could have is that surprisingly the guns contain many more options and settings than is apparent from the texts on the marketplace.
Love it, thanks!