Avatar Alpha Overlays (10/13/11 update)

Get rid of those invisiprims!! DX
Wear your best hi-heels without destroying those alpha textured dance floors. (^_^)
Recent update which goes beyond just feet and legs. There's a little bit of everything in here. All free, full perms, and redistributable. (^_^)
License: Creative Commons CC BY
Artikel in Second Life anzeigen- Full permissions
- Free Creative Commons CC BY
- Remove Feet, Hands, Ears, and more
- V2 compatible
- Works with most prim accessories
Fantastic product!
Thx so much for this range! it's amazing how many products like boots have alphas that are not precise! Your product with the various stages and heights are absolutely fantastic and solved my problem in 1 minute! thx so very much! huggz and huggzz and huggz! ;D
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