BeachBall box
Rezz as many beachballs as you want within your prim limits.
All beachballs can be removed in region by clicking the sign.
Beachballs automatically die if they leave the region or go off world.*
Beachballs float on water realistically.
Beachballs bounce realistically on land or off of objects and avatars.
If you have any questions or problems please notify Nathan Zetkin.
You can see a working demonstration at my pool in Notha
*(If the beachballs pass into a region that does not allow scripts to run, they will not delete themselves.)
Artikel in Second Life anzeigennice
bounces hard I find a bit more softly would otherwise was quite a lot I like enough,rebondit très for je trouve un peut plus doucement aurais etait pas mal sinon pas mal j'aime assez
L$ 99
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