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Complete White Wedding in Box - autoRez *PROMO Version 2.5

Complete White Wedding in Box - autoRez *PROMO
Complete White Wedding in Box - autoRez *PROMO
8 Rezensionen

New Romantic version and updated with refined textures & renewed setting: it's a perfect location for your most Exciting Day in Second Life, to create a landscaping unique and unforgettable.
This 'White Wedding Full Set' is one of my most popular creations and now include many updated items: new furniture & floral decorations, 4 Gazebos, sculpted benches multi-sit for ceremony, Big Arches with White & Pink Roses, Columns with lace-veils and flowers arrangements, Big Rainbow with lights on-off, flowering trees & flowerbeds with doves emitter. Very magical view with all daytimes and especially at night.
The Set is packaged with rez-faux system for easy positioning, adaptable to any location: after saving the setting rezzed, each component is ☑ Copy ☑ Modify, both to use all prims and a personal combination, as best fit your needs.

Our Wedding sets are availables in different colors (red-Bordeaux, lilac, navy-blue e pink, in Tropical style): send me IM in-world for details!!! Loredana Loring:-)
★ Remember to write a good review in Market Place ...send me an IM or a note card inworld with the "Item Name" to receive a Special Gift, suitable for your purchase or rebate :-) Enjoy it! Loredana Loring

◆ Content package:
☀ Wedding Platform with wall, 24 textures changeable with Menu driven - 64x56 mt (2 prims, optional rezz)
☀ Big Rainbow with lights effects on-off for Romantic setting, 30x15 mt (2 prims)
☀ 2 White Magnolia Trees w/emitter on-off & shadow (4 prims)
☀☀ White Wedding Full Set Rez-Faux Package (356 prims) that include 4 Gazebos with curtains, flowers arrangements & chandelier:
••• Gazebo for marriage (19 prims), 2 Candelabras with white-pink roses & candles on-off (8 prims), Chandelier, silk & light curtains, roses Garland & 2 sculpt doves, Minister Podium with Bible Book giver & 2 animations (4 prims), the "Love for ever" decor have the editable script for writing custom.
••• Gazebo for Wedding Cake table (19 prims, same layout), sculpt table with hearts emitter on-off, Wedding Cake with dispenser Slice & lovely couple embracing sculpture (3+12 prims)
••• Gazebo for dinner table (18 prims, same layout), Furnished table for dinner with plates, flowers bouquet & butterfly emitter (24 prims), 4 Garden Chairs multi-sit, 3 prims each & Round Carpet (10 textures changeables, menu driven, 1 prim)
••• Big Gazebo Ballroom (40 prims), 2 Candelabras with white-pink roses & candles on-off (8 prims), Chandelier & silk curtains.

☀ White table (2 prims) with Love Champagne Set, Flute giver & Hearts emitter for your Happiness:-) (7 prims)
☀ 2 Wedding White rugs 24x3 & 40x4 with little stars emitter on-off (1 prim each)
☀ Wedding bench for Husband & Wife with pillows multi-sit, adjustable sits (7 prims)
☀ 2 Wedding benches for witnesses multi-sit with pillows (male-female) and adjustable sits (6 prims each)
☀ 8 Wedding benches for Guests (32 seats) with 4 pillows multi-sit with menu & adjustable poses (8 or 7 prims each)
☀ Mystical White-pink Roses Arch (4 prims) & 2 White Roses Arch (1 prim each)
☀ Double Colonnade (entrance) with Light Curtains, veils & Flowers (20 prims)
☀ 2 Roses with pot (2 prims each)
☀ 25 White Roses flowerbed with doves emitter on-off (1 prim each)

◆ White Wedding Ceremony Extra-Bonus:
* Nice Stand Kiss for two LL
* 2 White Magnolia Trees w/emitter & shadow
*Minister Bible (to WEAR) (2 prims, trans)
*Heart balloon with emitter LL (2 prims)
*2 White Rose Trees w/emitter-touch on/off
*Bridal bouquet Full Perms for gift (156 prims) rez or wear
Candles Collection (Say "light" to turn on & "blow" turn off) 13 prims
Effect: Party ball light
Empire Tuxedo Outfit for gift
Animations: Hold Hands poses (2 pose balls), Kiss Balls (2 pose balls), You Marry Me? (2 pose balls)
T2Go- Heart Poofer (VB) - Wear Me
iloveyou Tattoo & Tattoo Heart
Vex Wedding Confetti 1.1 (wear on right hand)
Wedding Bubbles Bronze & Wedding Bubbles Bronze

  • Accurately Architecture, realistic Textures, many furnishings and accessories
  • 4 Wedding Gazebos and all seats for the ceremony
  • Rez-Faux system for easily build & Big Platform with Menu for to change textures
  • Big Arches, Candelabras, elegant Chandeliers and Dinner tables
  • Colonnade with Lights, many furniture and Big Rainbow for Romantic setting
Durchschnittliche Einstufung: full star full star full star full star full star
  • 5 Stern:
  • 4 Stern:
  • 3 Stern:
  • 2 Stern:
  • 1 Stern:
full star full star full star full star full star Veröffentlicht 29.8.2013 von Milly Rowley

Lo compre para el matrimonio de mi hermana y fue fantabulosisimoooo.!! me encanto se veia hermosooooo..!!!!! increible

War diese Rezension hilfreich?
full star full star full star full star full star Veröffentlicht 4.4.2013 von Ayesha Honey

I was amazed just how helpful Loredana Loring was and lotrec Oh....they work as a team but Loredana was so helpful to me I wished a few changes and it was done this care and consideration to my wishes I truly think you will not go wrong in buying her work. its great thank you to you both
Ayesha Honey

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L$ 1.800

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Harambee Gwassi-Kenya Charity Shop - Loredana Loring
Harambee Gwassi-Kenya Charity Shop - Loredana Loring
Verkauft von: Loredana Loring

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