G Generell

[Deadwool] Gloster jacket

[Deadwool] Gloster jacket

- 100% mesh product

- 5 standard sizes

- Test demo before purchasing

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Best mesh blazer with but one flaw
voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern leeres Sternchen Veröffentlicht 5.4.2013 von Ezekiel Aries

This is without a doubt, the best mesh blazer I've ever owned. But it has one, small, flaw. The arms tend to be strangely shaped, resulting in a weird flatness when your avatar lifts their arms. I was surprised by this as the absolutely fantastic duster coat doesn't share this problem.

Despite this, this is THE best blazer in Second Life at the moment and you'll fall in love with it the moment you try on the demo.

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