G Generell

Event Manager V1 (Transfer) Version 1

Event Manager V1 (Transfer)

PLEASE NOTE: The Event Manager will only be of interest to creators, designers and PAs who take part in SL events and fairs.

The Event Manager allows creators / designers / PAs to manage a variety of information for up to 15 different events and subsequently:
✦ to refer to all event information at any time
✦ to monitor progress and to record progress during preparation for any event
✦ to see at a glance how much time is left before load in and the start of events
✦ to receive alerts as deadlines approach and events begin

The purpose of the Event Manager is to:
✦ to improve workflow
✦ to save time
✦ to guarantee deadlines don't pass unnoticed
✦ to share information with other avatars
✦ to reduce stress!!

The Event Manager will store and diplay the following information:
✦ The THEME of the event
✦ Load In Date and Time
✦ Start Date and Time
✦ End Date
✦ Available Prim Allocation
✦ Cost and the date this is payable by
✦ The Event Contact Name
✦ Event Group Name and UUID
✦ Items - the items you will need to have ready for your stand at the event.
✦ Item Requirements eg Charity item, Group Gift
✦ The Event Website URL
✦ Ideas - a 'notepad' for entering any ideas you might have for any event.

In addition a countdown clock is calculated to show the days and hours left until Load In, the Start of the event and when payment is due.


All of the above information is displayed on the main Event Manager Board. This has a number of interactive features:
✦ An All Events button: this displays The Event Manager List Board giving a list of all current events. (See below for details.)
✦ An Alerts button: this will show you information about deadlines which are due or coming up soon.
✦ Menu: this opens a menu dialogue with several options - choose an event to display or delete, set or unset Full Bright, Set the shape of your logo, reset the Event Manager.
✦ Items: lists all Items in nearby chat.
✦ Requirements: lists all event requirements in nearby chat.
✦ Ideas: lists all Ideas in nearby chat.
✦ Website: opens a dialogue with a 'live' link to the event website.
✦ Help: gives you a notecard with very detailed help.
✦ A clickable licon which shows whether you have paid for an event or not.
✦ The group name is a clickable link which takes you to the Group Info page.


The List Board is rezzed when you click the All Events button on the main board. It has Land Impact of 14 and its use is optional.

The board displays a summary of all events. Headings include:
✦ Event: Event Name
✦ Load In: Load In date for the event
✦ Start: Start date of the event
✦ Paid: status of cost paid

The board displays 5 events at a time. Scroll arrows allow you to scroll through the complete list of events.

Click on any event to display it on the main EM display board.

There is also a Close Button which removes the board completely.

Alerts are given in nearby chat for the following:
✦ Alerts are given 24 hours before Load In and Start dates.
✦ Alerts are also given when Load In opens or an event starts.
✦ Alerts to say Payment is Due are given 24 hours before the deadline and every 6 hours thereafter. Once payment is overdue an alert will be given every hour until payment has been made.

If you are offline you will receive emails if you have this option turned on in your browser preferences.


Notecards are at the heart of the Event Manager. There is one Global Settings notecard and up to 15 Events notecards.

Notecards are very straightforward and should not take more than a minute or two each to complete. Important notecards are scanned for errors and these will will be reported to identify where any problems lie.


This contains information which affects the overall use of the EM.

✦ Logo UUID: If you have a logo, you can display it on the main board by adding the UUID here.
✦ Whitelist: Add the names of any avatars you want to be able to operate the Event Manager. (You can also allow other users to add or edit event notecards without giving them Modify rights)
✦ Time Adjust: At certain times of year when your local time changes, the EM may get out of sync by an hour. You can adjust the time shown by entering 1 or 0 here.
✦ Alerts Y/N: This decides whether the EM will send alerts to local chat.

The Event Manager is very low lag and there is no script activity whatsoever except when you are using it or when it does an hourly update.

The Event Manager has a Land Impact of 11 and there are Transfer and Copy versions. Make sure you have selected the one you prefer!

Contact Korgi Lerwick inworld if you have any questions.

  • Record a wide range of info for up to 15 events
  • See countdown clocks for each event
  • Get reminders as deadlines approach
  • Simple and quick setup
  • Low lag and detailed Help
Durchschnittliche Einstufung: full star full star full star full star full star
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Great Customer Service
full star full star full star full star full star Veröffentlicht 31.1.2018 von Melody Querrien

When I received my event manager I was having a problem with it. Korgi responded quickly, was very helpful, and we successfully got it working perfectly. This is exactly what I needed to manage all the events I am participating in. Thank you!

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