HSI Indicator (Localizer + Glide Slope + Radar)
( Similar to the Real Life Aviation )
- Possible to ADD WayPoints (100+)
- Virtual Glide Slope
- Virtual Localizer
- Airplane Radar
- 3 Scenes of difficulty for landing
(Rain | Night | Clouds)
- Sound Radar
- Sound Approach
- Compass
- Glide Reprogrammed
- HUD editable
- Free Update
and more...
>> Works in Any SL Area <<
only 2 script (low lag)
Artikel in Second Life anzeigenHandy gadget
Found this extremely useful and simple to use. Only down side is it can occasionally, and i would emphasise, occasionally, add to 'overload' unless you have bags of memory. But well deserving of 4 stars.
Mas ainda não é o que eu quero...o sistema ils não funciona como na realidade, onde ao detectar o ils da pista, pode ativar o modo aterrisagem automatica por ils.. porem é um bom instrumento de voo.
A Must Have Instrument!
This instrument hud simulates an ILS system. It essentially tells you if you are on the proper glide slope and centered on the runway to land. There are other such systems in SL, but this one is by far the best I've used. It doesn't require setting up any external emitters as it relies on landing positions you record from the places you fly. It's extremely easy to configure and one can adjust the glide slope to one's preference or for given aircraft. Some presets would be a nice addition in a future update.
It's accurate enough to land with one's draw distance turned very low. Even if you are an experienced pilot, knowing you are on a good approach even if things are slow to rez means you won't end up looking like a noob.
There are a few cons two of which are easy to correct. It will only work for runways facing north, south, east, or west. The digital compass display is a little redundant, but can be unlinked and removed if you desire. I also cut down the size of mine a bit. None of these issues warrant a rating drop given how well it works overall.