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*Kukuvaya* Rose éternelle Necklace {All Colors}

*Kukuvaya* Rose éternelle  Necklace {All Colors}
*Kukuvaya* Rose éternelle  Necklace {All Colors}
2 Rezensionen

Here is my first collection of necklaces! The Rose éternelle collection. This is the full collection of colors, Lit Monochrome, Backlit Monochrome, Avacado, Olive, Blood, Cherry, Lavender, Plum, Ocean, Sky.

There is also a collection of earrings!

Durchschnittliche Einstufung: full star full star full star full star full star
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Very lovely
full star full star full star full star full star Veröffentlicht 22.7.2015 von Sha Riggles

Simple, pretty, I love it - most certainly recommend. Thank you for this gift! Blogging it.

War diese Rezension hilfreich?
full star full star full star full star full star Veröffentlicht 9.11.2014 von InfamousAshTuesday



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L$ 0

Verkauft von: Caroline Tairov

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