We have included two versions, rigged and unrigged. The unrigged has resizer built in for your convenience.
- RESIZE SCRIPT INCLUDED (for unrigged version)
Is Zero Possible?
Whoever thought it was cute to block your makeup and face with a clown nose and everything that doesn't help you see if the hair matches totally doesn't want to sell this product. It's a shame. The hair looks great in the picture. I won't risk the Linden because of an unprofessional creator thought this was something cute to either somehow protect their product or just be an utter pain in everyone's shopping experience. Sad, this is really sad.
Stupid joke for a demo
The clown face is ruining everything. You can't know if it will suit you or not. The fucking nose is masking 1/4 of your face. And I'm not speaking about the ugly make-up mask.
Seriously, the hairs seem fine. Why ruining a demo with a stupid joke ?
Big Problem for Hair Demo
This does a wonderful job at displaying the hair and it gives you almost full control. That being said... it gives you a clown face. This is a HUGE distraction.
While this does detour theft. it makes it very hard to decide if you like the hair as it covers a large portion of your face. This effect really should have been replaced with some prims around the head.
The point of a demo is to see how the piece works with rest and it is just so distracting that it hurts my view of this piece. On the flip side, the hair looks great.
Clown face, really?
The clown face that is stuck on your face with a big red nose prim is fucking distracting and it quite frankly pissed me off. Totally discuraged me from bothering with this hair. I want to be able to see how the hairstyle looks with my face. NOT BOZO THE CLOWN.
Two stars simply because its a cute style, hell if I know how it'll look on me.