LR Haus 13 (Wohnhaus - Fertighaus - Privathaus)
LR Haus 13
- LR homeControl (Türen/Lampen/Jalousien) alle Funktionen in einem Control.
- inkl. Springbrunnen
- Funktionierende Lampen (Helligkeit und Farbe)
- Jalousien schliessen/öffnen
- Türen verschließbar mit Zutrittsliste
- zusätzliches Sicherheitssystem integrierbar (wird separat verkauft)
15x25m und 69 prim (komplett ausgestattet)
Um das Haus Inworld zu sehen: click here!
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Artikel in Second Life anzeigen- LR homeControl (Door/Light/Blind/Fire) all functions in one control.
- working lamps (brightness and color)
- doors lockable and incl. access-list
- blinds up / down
- additional secure-system possible
Great design, low prim, fancy, animated, small(er) footprint
I grabbed this house for a skybox I set up for a friend who is just beginning in SL. With the animations, it is kind of like a "place and play" thing. :-) It has all the shiny bells with room for more whistles if you need more. Also, this seller is just one of my favorite (and most generous) ones out there.
Lovely House!!
I was so surprised to find such a nice house with low prims. Love the lights and the blinds...nice TP system to get to the top floor and back down much room!! Thanks