works for classic avatars hands.*no mesh hands.
for female
3types nails included.
with rings,without rings,ring only
●MANDARA nails are made for the following hand sizes exclusively.
For ladies: 10, 20, and 30
Please adjust your hand shape to the same size of the relevant nail before wearing it.
●Also it is possible to switch the full-bright ON/OFF by just touching it.
5 stars
Worthy of 5 stars!
Amazing Product!
Its nice to have the rings they are gorgeous or just the nails, or both! amazing textures keep up the awesome job <3 it!
[MANDALA]MILKY WAY NAILs&Rings/polly white
Great nailz... a must have. I am wearing them, alot!!! ((-;
Love them, great price plus you can wear just the nails or the nails and rings or just the rings..awesome!
A great work and an awesome visual effect.