Mesh (Bento) Pachycephalosaurus Avatar Version 2

This avatar has some new features that the previous herbivore line didn't yet have, so please read this notecard carefully.
Please also note that the tail and fingers will only animate if you use Bento animations and AOs; I am not providing AO's for my work, as I am not an animator.
1. The avatar comes with 2 bodies to pick from.
The set you have in the main package is an ALPHA body, meaning the new body-part-hider thing on the HUD will only work with that body type. The body-part-hider thing won't work with the other body type, which is more like the older bodies I made (one solid object, not cut into parts).
In the EXTRAS box you can find the old body type.
2. Clothing is included in the EXTRAS box. The Herbivore line gets brand new clothing to fit the v2 body, that will match the other outfit parts I will provide the other body types.
Outfit parts from other Dinosaur avatars will not fit the herbivore body. You may also want to use the ALPHA body to prevent bodyparts clipping through the clothing if the AO you use bends bodyparts extremely.
3. Talking sound effects are included with this avatar.
4. Older models/avatars are not available for this avatar.
5. Alpha layers and texture maps, all full-perm for modding use, are included in the EXTRAS box. The alpha layers are pretty pointless on the ALPHA body, but they're there if you want to make your own alpha for the classic body type.
Note that unlike the therapod bodies, which have mirrored UV maps on the body, the herbivores don't! Both the body and the head isn't mirrored so you can add asymmetrical scars/markings on them. This one set of UV's works on all the Dinosaur heads and bodies.
(The images are found here in the notecard)
6. A recolouring HUD. You can change the colour of claws/horns, belly/pawpads, and the main body. The area marked 'feathers' is not used in anything but the Dromaeosaur avatar, and the 'teeth' and 'mouth' options are only available on the therapods. My scripting is still major sucky so I apologize if it is slow to apply colours.
For best results, I advise you make your own body texture instead.
The ALPHA hide-body-thing is on the bottom left. You click which part you want to hide, and again to make it reappear, but again my scripting is trash and it may be slow to hide the bodypart, or you may need to press it more than once to get it to reappear.
If the alpha hide-body-thing doesn't make your bodypart reappear, don't worry; you can still make it come back manually. Just edit the body, select linked parts, and click the hidden part, go to texture, and set transparency % to 0, and your body part is back!.
Textures for modding are in both the body box and clothing box.
You can make and sell mods of my stuff, like retextures and new clothing for example, but you cannot sell my original items.
Whilst the fingers and tail are rigged to work with bento animations, I did have to alter the positioning of the fingers and arms slightly to accommodate the longer neck for the avatar, so some animations might look a little off.
The model was rigged on the bento armature, and yes I still don't know how to animate blinking eyelids so there's old prim ones instead.
The eyes on the dinos move due to the altered rig on the neck finally working as it should.
The textures included should be full-perm, and everything else mod/copy/notrans.
You can see more models I've been making for my own indie game project, as well as new avatars in the works, and other crazy fun stuff, on my website or twitter.
- Tintable Body via HUD
- Bento Rigged hands, feet, and tail
- Free clothing
- Free fullperm textures and clothing alphas