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Neon Mesh C-Class TipPic TipJar Version 1.1

Neon Mesh C-Class TipPic TipJar
Neon Mesh C-Class TipPic TipJar
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Xtreme Designs Proudly Presents – The Mesh TipPic TipJars. We were the first to introduce this type of Jar to the public and have more styles than all others combined! These sleek MESH TipJars were made from custom sculpts from our Xtreme Imagineers! They are scripted in Mono to assure a low lag experience!


• Fully functional personal TipJar.
• Configurable - Hovertext, Text Color, Thank You Message, & Quick Pay Buttons.
• Cycles through the images you drop in like a viewer!
• The border cycles through various neon colors!
• 100% Lifetime Guarantee. Should your Jar ever fail or become lost, we will fix or replace it for FREE! *

*With proof of purchase.

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L$ 399

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.: Xtreme Designs :.
.: Xtreme Designs :.
Verkauft von: Lucian Mixemup

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