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Reset / Stop / Clear Prim Properties Script / Prim Cleaner V6

Reset / Stop / Clear Prim Properties Script / Prim Cleaner V6
Reset / Stop / Clear Prim Properties Script / Prim Cleaner V6
4 Rezensionen

Script to remove prim properties.
To stop a prim from rotation, to remove floating text and stop particles etc etc.
Notecard how to use included.

Menu options:
- Stop prim rotation.
- Stop particles.
- Remove hoover text.
- Remove all properties where the script is in.
- Remove all properties in linkset (All linked parts).
- Help button.

Which properties are cleared?

Manually where the script is in:
1. Particles only.
2. Rotation only. (Target omega).
3. Floating text only.

All in this prim where the script is in.
1. Particle system.
2. Target omega.
3. Texture animation (All sides).
4. Sit target.
5. Force mouselook.
6. Sit text.
7. Touch text.
8. Phantom.
9. Physical.
10. Block rotation on XYZ when made physical again.
11. Prim point light.
12. Alpha (All sides) (Transparency).
13. Glow (All sides).
14. Fullbright (All sides).
15. Floating text.

All in linkset:
1. Particle system.
2. Target omega.
3. Texture animation (All sides).
4. Sit target.
5. Phantom.
6. Physical.
7. Prim point light.
8. Alpha (All sides) (Transparency).
9. Glow (All sides).
10. Fullbright (All sides).
11. Floating text.

- The object you use must be modify.
- Use this script only if you understand what this all means.
- This script can also be used if you have permissions to edit others objects.
- Do not drop this script in a complete house and press some buttons, your house will be ruined!
- This script is no modify and no transfer.

Have fun with the script.

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Boom! Perfect
full star full star full star full star full star Veröffentlicht 1.6.2024 von Rage Sage

Excellent script, does exactly what it needs to do. Thanks!

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Saved my Life !!!
full star full star full star full star full star Veröffentlicht 22.9.2022 von Ellie Boo

❤ Thankyou!! Thankyou!! ❤

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