G Generell

Sci Fi Tree with light cloudly foliage, Copy, 2 Prims Version Mitsuko Kytori tree shape scifi 3 strange 1

Sci Fi Tree with light cloudly foliage, Copy, 2 Prims

Nature is an Art and Avatar merit the Best, so we are proud to present you :

Amazing SciFi tree line in blue/green color way, very original foliage form around a fine and realistic trunk. Especially good for SciFi or Cyberpunk sim.

Tree in 2 prims only !

look inworld : http://slurl.com/secondlife/Fighting%20Spirit/125/160/22

Tree is copy and provide script to modify size to tiny tree can be take in a hand to giant 64meters tree.
The foliage provide a great visual effect.

----------- Additionnal Services ----------
We are here to ensure you about a real service and help.
Please, we prefer note card because it is more reliable than instant message (im).

We sell many class of product :
* plant, tree, natural object,
* skin, shape, eyes,
* special creation: as house, club, shop and artistic object.
For each product class, we can provide support for customization.
Please read below the details of available services :
* plant, tree, natural object : change texture or change form : trunk and foliage form. We are almost alone in Second Life able to provide this service.
Keep in mind, trees for example, are size modify by menu, so you can change size by yourself easily.
* skins, eyes : all you can imagine
* shapes : help to modify, shape are modify, so we can just assist to help
* special creation : only texture change if object is not available in modify mode.

Please : keep in mind customization take time and is not free.

Take care and enjoy Second Life and, we hope, this product.

Best Regards,

Mitsuko Kytori

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nice looking scifi tree
voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern leeres Sternchen Veröffentlicht 15.9.2018 von rdf85

The tree is nice looking and fits into a scifi garden nicely. I would suggest contacting the maker tho if you wish to resize it as the script in the tree does not work properly.

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