G Generell

Snowing Particles

Snowing Particles

This is a snowing particle effect, it emits snow flakes in a roughly 17x17 radius.

Wonderful snowflake texture, also the snow particles will drift with the wind to give it a little more realistic look.

Script is mono compiled to potentially reduce lag and script is full permissions so you can mod, copy, resell as you see fit.

The screenshot gives you a basic idea, but screenshots don't show particle effects very well, but I took a few screenshots day and night and with my avatar so you can see the effect as well as size compared to avatar. Script is full perm so can be modded as needed.


Any questions or comments feel free to drop me a notecard.

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  • Full Perm particles mod as you see fit
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voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern Veröffentlicht 15.12.2008 von Aaack Straaf

Great simple script, very effective and beautiful effect!! congrats to the creator!

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