G Generell

Specter Skies EEP Aurora minipack

Specter Skies EEP Aurora minipack

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A pack of 3 EEP sky settings using full custom textures, inspired by the beautiful northern lights, perfect especially for landscape pics. Photos used in the description are not edited and made in Firestorm ultra graphics.

Compatible with Second Life Viewer v6.4.13, Firestorm v6.4.12, Black Dragon v3.9.8 and up.

You can have them to be shown only for yourself or at parcel level for your visitors if you have land permissions. All useful info is available in the NC of the product. The EEP's are editable, just make sure you create a copy before doing so.

Please send me a NC if you need any help.

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voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern Veröffentlicht 26.8.2023 von Seisew

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