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Specter Skies EEP Moonlight Pack PBR Updated

Specter Skies EEP Moonlight Pack PBR Updated
Specter Skies EEP Moonlight Pack PBR Updated
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A pack of 6 custom sky EEP settings using beautiful custom textures. Photos used in the description are not edited and made in Firestorm ultra graphics.

!! NEW !! the sky pack now includes PBR friendly versions, that will have the best view on SL Viewer 7.1.2 and up.

Compatible with the latest Second Life Viewer, Firestorm and Black Dragon.

You can have them to be shown only for yourself or at parcel level for your visitors if you have land permissions. All useful info is available in the NC of the product. The EEP's are editable, just make sure you create a copy before doing so.

Please send me a NC if you need any help.

L$ 275

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Specter Skies
Specter Skies
Verkauft von: Syd00

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