Take-and-rez setup. All locations in a board format. 100% no notecard, no dropping Landmark. Go anywhere in SL.
Introducing Sync Technology
* designed to be off the shelf and ready out of box.
* enables communication between teleporters, doing all the setting up so you don't have to.
* 100% take-and-rez, or even rez-and-go from your inventory. Unlike other brands, no need to rename or input description manually before they will work.
They are the most powerful, flexible, efficient and effective teleporters, yet they are so easy to use.
Planet-Sync LITE
For the use of a teleporter board to multiple destinations. Anywhere in SL, no in-sim limitation. Ideal for attraction and advertisement!
How to use?
Rez the teleporter base from your inventory, a teleporter destinater will be prepared. Then take the destinater and rez it anywhere you like. That's it and all ready to use! Touch the base again to generate more destination.
A standard SL map will show up for the required location when teleporting. The box comes with a Quick Start Guide for reference.
Note: if a parcel area has a landing point, the teleport location will be at the landing point. However, the red map tracking will always target your desire location.
Planet-Sync LITE includes the following powerful features:
* setup reqiures no notecard and no dropping any Landmark from your inventory at all.
* teleporter board generated by itself fully automatically. Owner can have their ideal textures on the location faces. Each base is to have 14 destinations, however you can rez as many bases you like.
* teleport map will show up under a single-click.
* once the base and the destinater are rezzed and ready to use, they can be moved or taken to any new sim or any location. Automatically updating new positions, no additional setup required. Fully synchronized by itself anytime anywhere!
* owner can simply delete the destinater anytime and the board will work as a one-way teleporter.
* outstanding owner-only delete option. Allow you to remove the entire system no matter how many and where the destinaters are located in SL.
* built-in automated update engine, offering you always the most up-to-date version.
Sync. Teleporter is simply the best, fun and easy to use and is the most versatile teleporter you have seen so far.
Anweisungen zum Herunterladen Artikel in Second Life anzeigen- Grid-wide cross-sim usage
This works perfectly! In case anybody's unclear about what it does:-
The destinator opens the SL Map, with your specified destination already highlighted. Click Teleport on the map just as you would do normally :)
The destinator is the teleport point. After your Planet-Sync has discovered its home location (where you want people to teleport to), you pick up the destinator & plant it wherever you want.
One of those beautifully simple ideas. Well done that avatar!!