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TuTy's - CANDY DOLL AO for CURVY SHAPES - Priority 3 & 4

TuTy's - CANDY DOLL AO for CURVY SHAPES - Priority 3 & 4
TuTy's - CANDY DOLL AO for CURVY SHAPES - Priority 3 & 4

Here the Candy doll AO who already you know, adapted to the women who are plush and curvy. A celebration of girls who love their curves.
This AO is absolutely adorable and lovely. Wanna be a sexy Barbie girl? All you want is here, dolly cute, modest and, not to mention, sexy!
The AO contains 51 animations (2 huds: priority 3 and 4):
- 8 different walks
- 15 mocap stands
- 5 animated sits
- 4 animated ground sits
-full fly and swim set, crouch and crouch walk, stand up and typing motion...

You are always welcomed to try the AO at our inworld store. Click the link below.

Please, read carefully FAQ when having a problem with the hud. It may be a lot more helpful than you expect.

Enjoy your second life!
TuTy's team

Artikel in Second Life anzeigen
  • Sexy female AO for Curvy Shapes
  • also for mesh avatar, hourglass, phisique, Lara, Venus
Durchschnittliche Einstufung: full star full star full star full star half star
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Idk what the person is lying about before - BECAUSE THIS IS GREAT!
full star full star full star full star full star Veröffentlicht 21.5.2017 von dashaflower

To no extent does it look "ridiculous", it looks normal and sexy - also works for my curvy slink hourglass body just right, hands DON'T go through my hips or anything like that like the other AO'S do.

The sits are really nice, they consist of lying down or sitting in cute ways! The walks are interesting, hands on hips or very girly ones, but more than half are decent and look normal and hot :D

I really love the stands too, as there is a lot of moving about and not just static poses, also that there's even a couple that make your butt look amazing! Some are just usual walking about and stretching your arms but everything will certainly get the attention of any man!

I've been buying tons of AO's but by far this is the best, been using it for more than a year now for all of my avatars, works with any styles - barbie, dolly, even a badass camo outfit will do! And I don't just use it for my humans, I use it for my KEMONO'S TOO!

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Nice AO for a great price
full star full star full star full star full star Veröffentlicht 18.7.2016 von Mickey McAuley

I have all her other "Boob AO's" on another avie, and wanted something different for this one. I was therefore very happy to find this one. I went to her inworld store, and tried it before buying.

As someone else commented, I don't much care for most of the walks. However, this is something that is quite easy to rectify. All you have to do is put walks you do like into the AO, and edit the "Default" configuration notecard to use the ones you like, and not the ones you don't. Even easier if you just copy everything out of the AO and use it with a viewer that has a built-in AO.

This AO has some great animations in it, well worth the price, and a little tinkering.

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full star full star full star full star full star Veröffentlicht 2.6.2016 von dita Bmovie

Yes I love all of the animations... and I can say finally TuTy's takes care of our curves

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if you dont care that when you walk you look like theres a stick up your ass...
full star full star full star empty star empty star Veröffentlicht 26.5.2016 von MizDeMeanor Morpork

ok first, i love every animation in this ao...except for every single walk animation. it seriously looks like you put a tampon in the wrong hole and decided to walk around with it in you. theres even one walk where your arms completely disappear into your boobs.
so to be fair..i love this ao....but i wont be using it to walk anywhere anytime soon.

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L$ 350

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