G Generell

VDS basket box - 7 baskets

VDS basket box - 7 baskets

A box full of SEVEN baskets, from 2 to 5 prims - all lined except the wickerwork planter.

A great bargain - some of the boxes open, some are ideal for laundry, pet cushions, trinkets... but they're all perfect for that low-prim touch that makes all the difference.

NOTE: a delivery issue with this set has now been fixed, but if you had bought it and had problems, please IM me for a replacement (with transaction details). Thank you!

  • 7 baskets
  • All with click to change colours
Durchschnittliche Einstufung: full star full star full star full star full star
  • 5 Stern:
  • 4 Stern:
  • 3 Stern:
  • 2 Stern:
  • 1 Stern:
Good textures, excellent price
full star full star full star full star full star Veröffentlicht 20.7.2024 von Persephone Phoenix

Hey you can't beat the price. The baskets are a variety of sizes and shapes. I liked the heart-shaped basket best.

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