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Zombie Invasion boxed

Zombie Invasion boxed
Zombie Invasion boxed
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OK This one is scary.
This box comes with two types of zombie invasions.
Both release an endless stream of Zombies, with Ghoulish sound effects.
*Type one is a single invasion. Just rez the box wherever you would like a controlable explosion of streaming Zombies.
*Type 2 is a bit more dangerous. Rez the Full scale Zombie Invasion. It is a single Zombie, with an invitation over his head to touch if you dare!
Once touched the results are mayhem!
This is meant as a Fun and spooky Halloween gift or party favor, and is NOT intended for griefing purposes!
All proceeds from this item go to support Dogland Dog Park and the TBI Center in Rhoda

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L$ 50

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Dogland Park
Dogland Park
Verkauft von: Vitolo Rossini

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