G Generell

shark girll, female anthro Version 2

shark girll, female anthro

anthro shark female

separate parts
eres, claws, swim suit, body.

copy mod no transfer

use with Invisible Avatar

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Great work !
voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern Veröffentlicht 30.6.2017 von Scottydo69

love this avatar ! got this as one of my first full avatars when i started out in second life it is an awesome av love the look to it ! thanks guys

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voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern Veröffentlicht 6.11.2014 von Kandy Bluestar

For those of you leaving bad reviews you need to read the description. You need a body alpha! So much detail on this. A++++

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Great Avatar
voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern Veröffentlicht 16.10.2014 von Ganymead

Really Detailed - These guys with the one stars are total Noobs and prob shouldn't be playing SL in the first place.

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Missing Some Things
voller Stern leeres Sternchen leeres Sternchen leeres Sternchen leeres Sternchen Veröffentlicht 28.9.2014 von ZevaWindsong

Simply put, theres no alpha layer and no shape...Its not a bad price, and the mesh itself is pretty nicely done, but hard to get the same look as the picture without those key items.

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voller Stern leeres Sternchen leeres Sternchen leeres Sternchen leeres Sternchen Veröffentlicht 12.6.2013 von arisaheart

Avatar transparency has not been set

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