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Mesh Silhouettes
Mesh Silhouettes
Sold by: Meshes
Joined: November 24, 2010

Mesh Silhouettes provides 3D images for builders and creators. 3D images are meshes with a flat front and back, but an amazing detail in the outline.

All silhouettes come with an UV template, you can use it to make your own textures in a graphical program.

The normal silhouettes are made to be shown at realistic size. The nano minature silhouettes are very small to support creators who work on fine builds, like jewelry pieces or avatar accessories.
When you would like to see one of our regular silhouettes in nano size, please contact Meshes per notecard.

For custom made silhouettes please contact Meshes well in advance.


For questions and remarks about our products you can contact Meshes by notecard in world.

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