Esta tienda
.:MTC Designs and MTCouture:.
.:MTC Designs and MTCouture:.
Vendido por: Mischa Tchailenov
Te has unido: March 14, 2009

Specializing in affordable Gorean/Medieval and Modern/Couture clothing, building and accessories.

Home of the Tummy Talkers that DO NOT spam local chat. Available in: English Original and Gorean, multiple babies One - up to Quadruplets!

German Talkers are being updated...and coming soon, Spanish talkers. :)


1. Please send NCs if you have a talker question.
-Please be aware that common courtesy would be sending a polite NC and act with manners. Failure to do so will result in your question going unanswered.
2. Please note I do NOT provide refunds unless it is a duplicate purchase. Please do not ask as a refusal may offend.

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