This Store
AmAzInG CrEaTiOnS (Main Shop)
AmAzInG CrEaTiOnS (Main Shop)
Sold by: kalliopi Ziplon
Joined: December 06, 2008

AmAzInG CrEaTiOnS, one brand three Marketplace stores

1) Main Store (more than 3000 items, including mesh clothes, gestures, tattoos, and more):

2) Full Perm Items:

3) Discounted Items:

AmAzINg CrEaTiOnS * Gestures * Tattoos * Mesh Clothes * Bikers Clothes * And many more for boys & girls
Facebook group :
Contacting Instructions :
✔ Please be polite.
✔ Send me inworld an IM or a Notecard or use from here the contact mail.
✔ If I don't reply in 2 days, then probably SL ate your IM or Notecard, so please send it again.
✔ If something is missing or it does not work, please let me know so I can fix it.
✔ Most of my products come with a demo. It is automatically assumed you have tried the demo before purchasing any of those item, so there will be no refunds without a really good reason. Defective or broken items will be refunded, after I confirm there is indeed a problem that cannot be fixed.
✔ Please always send me your payment transcripts, which can be found either in the email you received upon your purchase, or in the "L$ Transaction History" section, under "Account" when you log in to the official SL site.
✔ If you haven't asked for help and you rate poorly any of my items via a review in its Marketplace page, please be kind and thoughtful by letting me and other readers know in detail what went wrong.


Many free group gifts
Join my group to get the chance to win what i make for free.
Greek creator!!
No in-world Shop anymore close end of 2023
✔ Copyable items that come without a demo will not be refunded, unless they are broken and cannot be fixed.
✔ A lifetime free updates policy for all our products.


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