A&A Kay69 Hair Fire (FUNCTIONAL DEMO). Womens mesh braids
Our Kay69 hairstyle has soft curls and a long braided cascading ponytail. It also features menu colorable show/hide streaks, and a hairbase is included.
This is overhauled, meshed, reduced weight etc in October 2017!
This item is provided free in this special color so that you can demo the style. It is fully functional and can be used as is. Enjoy!
Resize menu for easy fitting, full bright toggle & script delete button.
If you have suggestions or questions, contact Alice Klinger in world or use the contact form on our blog.
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© 2015 Alli&Ali Designs
- Brightness and Rezise Control Menu
- Mesh
- Display Weight 24396
I had not seen this one before, but this is completely awesome!
L$ 0
Unpacking Required
This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.
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- User Licensed