- 30 handmade textures
- various styles of roof for all the kinds of build
- 512x512 & 1024x1024
- Seamless
- Full Perm
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© ALH 2009 / professional graphist & TRU artist since 2007
!! not for resell !!
This girl makes amazing textures, from my experience as a builder and a creator, her textures are the best in SL, I bought some of her textures and I am so excited about them, Cause when I applied them to my houses that I am selling, my girl said:
[22:42] Rylee Carver: Love the walls and windows, I could so live here and love it
I have plenty of roof textures, but hers are better and can be applied to any roof design, Gorean, Medieval, Gothic, Victorian, and Modern.
So I bought them... well, they say a picture worth a 1000 word, see her appartment building, and look at the resolution of the textures... She is my hero...
Gr8 job girl.