✧Hi! Thank you for being interested in my work!✧
This is a pack of Koi overlays! Each version includes 3 different overlays and materials for all body parts!
▪ LLUV Body and Head BoM Tattoo + EvoX Tattoo
▪ Materials applier for Evo + Evox
▪ Materials applier for Legacy, Belleza, Ebody, Kupra and Maitreya
▪ Folder with materials textures for you custom applier or applier who i'm don't make (LLUV body + LLUV head).
▪ Textures + Materials for [TMSN] Fish Tail
▪ Mesh rigged Fins + koi whiskers
▪ BOM LLUV body//BOM LLUV head//Evox Head
▪ Evox or Evo Head
▪ [TMSN] Fish Tail
Still need help? Look for me here!
✧ Discord : Hein#8777
✧ Twitter : https://twitter.com/anradred
✨AR✨(c) 2022
Love it but no mod rights at the moment
Waiting on the product to be updated with mod rights so I can get a redelivery for it. The black fins need a bit more blue to them that I want to tint in.
One of the Best appliere SL-wide
absolutly fantastic .. one of the best BOM creations and Perfectly fitting materials
keep goiing and soo good ♥
A Must Have~
I couldn't decided which pack to get so I grabbed them all.
They all look so beautiful,
I can't wait to make one
I've been seeing Oz have it one and waiting til I was able to grab one LOL.