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::: B@R ::: Royal Red Mail Lady

::: B@R ::: Royal Red Mail Lady
::: B@R ::: Royal Red Mail Lady

Simple Plate Armor with red color for ladies. Pants parts for regular clothes layer, other are rigged mesh or regular mesh. Material texture used. Sword and Helmet are included.

  • Armor
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Fits Maitreya
full star full star full star full star empty star Posted March 23, 2019 by Falamh

Took a chance that I could get this to work on Maitreya and it fits just fine! For Maitreya you'll need to use the alpha hud to hide upper body, shoulders, lower legs and outer thighs. Also, the under armour applier won't work on Maitreya, so I used a bodysuit applier I already have. Ended up looking great!

One flaw is that the shoulder parts are not rigged to the arms so there can be a lot of clipping if you lift your arms too high. Not an issue if you avoid certain poses and overall this is a great armour set if you need something for a costume party, fantasy roleplay, etc.

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L$ 190

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Bare Rose
Bare Rose
Sold by: June Dion

Unpacking Required

This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.

Works with Classic Avatars
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  • User Licensed
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Mesh: Partial Mesh