FREE at my in-world store!
Have you ever wanted to look like you fell asleep at a party and woke up with a really badly drawn mustache on your upper lip? Maybe you just want to look more mysterious or like a distinguished gentleman? Do you want to just be plain tacky? Well, do I have the solution for you!
9 Different mustaches designed and hand drawn by yours truly.
I hope you enjoy these badly drawn mustaches bring you great joy! These mustache scribbles are BOM + EVO X compatible and mod/copy so you can tint them to your heart's content. They will work on a number of different mesh heads (Both Male and Female) that are BOM capable. They MAY be a bit distorted on some.
If you have any issues or questions please send me a notecard as my IMs may get capped.
"This mustache makes me look like my dad." -Rian Eros
"I feel like a super trooper for sure!" -Grumpy Old Goat
See item in Second LifeDevilishly Evil
Mmm, yes.