Erfe Design Urban Loft House
- Erfe Design
►45x75 SQM
►500 Land impact
►2048 x 2048 Baked textures
► Exterior & Interior together designed.
► Include 2 Sofa 2 armchair 2 bedroom
► Animated house
►Exterior Design include this is not a skybox
► Outside landscape is not in the pack.
►Thanks for choose us...
►Builder : MrErfe Resident / Dark Oxhall
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► Please Contact with us if there any question , request or problem ...
► Note: We are doing custom works for you . You can write our e-mail or write IM to us.
► If you want to see this product in SL world. Please send me an e-mail. I can turn fastly for this way. Ty.
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Love the ability to move around .. great bed animations .. love the open space and the water in the front