Forbidden Words Game Version 1.04
FORBIDDEN WORDS - Word Guessing Game
This is an exciting multiplayer game, where one of the players have to describe a given word in voice chat without using some forbidden words, while other players are guessing the described word in text chat. The game contains a timer and 4 x 200 words to guess. Furthermore, you can delete, modify, or add word definitions into the game. The game is a great activity for English learners, as well. Enjoy it! :)
a. After rezzing the game box, it will load some words, which may take few seconds. When the notecard reading is finished, the game box is ready to play.
b. To start a new game, one of the players should click on the game box. This player will get a WORD TO DESCRIBE and five another words (FORBIDDEN WORDS) which the player should avoid in his/her description. It is recommended to use the voice chat while describing the word.
c. Other players can guess the described word by typing it into the public text chat.
d. During the game, the player who is describing the word can click on the game box again, to get a reminder of the given and forbidden words. The owner of the game can click on the game box as well, to get the player's words in private message (this can be helpful if the owner is an English teacher who wants to help with the description of a given word).
e. The game ends:
- When any of the players guessed the described word in text chat.
- When the time is up (default time limit is set to 3 minutes).
- When the player who was describing the word revealed it in text chat.
- When the owner of the game revealed the word in text chat.
The owner of the game box can change the time limit from 1 to 10 minutes (default is 3 minutes). To do it, edit the game box, go to the "Content" tab, and edit the "config" notecard.
When the time is up, or someone guessed the word, there is a special bursting effect (red or green). The owner of the game box can enable or disable these effects (particles). To do it, edit the game box, go to the "Content" tab, and edit the "config" notecard.
The owner can add, modify, or delete words in the game box. To do it, edit the game box, and go to the "Content" tab. Here you can find 4 notecards containing word definitions ("words 1", "words 2", "words 3", and "words 4" notecards). Each notecard contains 200 words to describe. In the beginning, one of these notecards is loaded. Later, when all of the loaded words are used in the game, a randomly selected notecard will be loaded again.
You can modify, delete or add new words into these notecards, but you should follow the given format of the word definitions.
You may also add new notecards with new word definitions into the game box (the names of the notecards can be anything). It is also possible to delete any of these notecards, but do NOT delete the "config" notecard or the script ("~ forbidden words game")!
Do NOT put more than 200-250 word definitions into one notecard (rather use more notecards with 200 or less word definitions), otherwise the game will not be able to load it and the script may crash with an out of memory error message. If this happens, remove some lines from the wrong notecard, save it again, and click on the "Build - Scripts - Reset Scripts" menu item in your Second Life Viewer to restart the script.
The object has copy/modify permission, but the scrips in it have only copy permission.
- Multiplayer word guessing game
- The game contains 800 word definitions
- The owner can use his/her own word list
- The timer is configurable by the owner
- Easy to use, great for English learners
Perfect for hanging out with a group
everything works great. Lots of fun. Only wish it had some kind of score keeper.
loved it
Two of us played it by ourselves didnt even use voice and it was a ball took months to get to the end and it reset to start over again